Getting my first tattoo wasn't what I imagined at all. I'm proud to say I didn't cry, but I'm pretty positive I fractured Amanda's hand I held it so tight. . .
But the tattoo. . . It was definitely worth the pain.

The verse (Song of Solomon 6:3) means the world to me. When I was 12 and on my first trip to Israel my Mom bought me a ring with this verse on it in Hebrew. The verse says, "I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine". It is such a short phrase that at the surface doesn't seem to say a whole lot.
But for me, this is what it says.
I am God's and through Jesus, He is mine. This is a relationship, it's deep, it's intimate, and it makes me who I am. This verse says everything about remaining in Him, and allowing Him to live through me.

I think the only real issue is I can't show my mother because she'd be absolutely devastated. . . I promised myself I'd show her by the time I'm 25 though. That sounds pretty reasonable right? But the thing is- I got it for me. You won't see it unless I show you and chances are I won't.
And that's that. :)